Sunday 20 January 2013

20 Days of Gold Making - Participants

Just one week ago, I had a brainwave & my 20 Days of Gold Making challenge was born. Since then, I've had loads of comments & a few emails about it & I've been pleasantly surprised by just how many bloggers have decided to join in. I thought it would be nice to have a central list of everyone who's joined in so far so here it is!

Jason - WowRounded - Brand new blog. I love Jason's post about Leveling Small Guilds

Phat - Phat Lewts Gold Blog - If you haven't read Phat's blog, go & read it now! He has a great written style & really knows his AH stuff.

Dacheng - The Dacheng Diaries / Casual Noob  - This is a new blog to me, not very AH focused but I enjoy Dacheng's written 'voice' so I'll be heading back regularly!

Ross - The Feckless Leader - another newish blog & new to me too. Ross has written a great pet leveling guide if you have 1 or 2 high level pets already. I see my next addiction on the horizon!

Cold - Cold's Gold Factory (He's also made question 1 the topic for his February Gold Blogging Carnival! Thank You so much for your support Cold, mwah!)

Larry - WTB Skill - Another newish blog, from a PvP'ers perspective but Larry has just joined our goldmaking community so I look forward to a very different viewpoint. PvP is a complete mystery to me!

Shaft - Shafts Words - Another blog that is new to me, Shaft has joined the challenge & I look forward to hearing more stories from him too.

Gimp - Gimps Gold - A fellow Brit, Gimp drags me through suicide runs (sorry, I mean dungeon runs!) & makes it look so easy! He knows his AH stuff too & is a regular guest host on Power Word Gold podcast.

Faid - Clockwork Riot - blogger, youtuber & another regular guest host on Power Word Gold podcast, Faid is very knowledgeable & has a totally different style of AH'ing than I do.

Jafo - The Auction House Grind - not such a new blog but newish to me, Jafo has some interesting posts, you should go have a read :)

Farli - The Overcut - Farli is kinda famous for his transmog gold making but he writes about other AH stuff too. He's been afk a little while but he's back now, yay!!!!

Jojo - Admiring Azeroth - a fairly recent addition to my non-gold blogs list but one I read regularly anyway. Jojo describes herself as a noob gold maker so I look forward to reading her answers.

Soco - Vault Of Light - a fellow Brit, fellow gold maker & now on my server too, she writes a variety of stuff but competing with her on the AH is great fun too, she knows her stuff, that's for sure!

Kaitz - Memoirs of a Pet Collector - another new blog to me, Kaitz writes mainly about her pet collecting addition but as I'm just getting started, it's great info! Will be interesting to see how a pet collector makes gold too - keep going Kaitz, enquiring minds are curious :)

Jim - Power Word:Gold - blogger, streamer, podcaster & all around busy guy, Jim hosts the Gold Blog Directory on his site too.

PyrosGG - The Gold Storm - very new to my reading list but already full of great content, well worth adding to your list too :)

Evlyxx - Evangelysm - totally new to me but Evlyxx has been around a while & has decided to join in this fun challenge too - welcome to the madhouse!

Tailswish - Swishco Ventures - I enjoy Tailswishes posts but so pleased to see him return. I look forward to some interesting reads

Candlefly - Candlefly's Gold Adventures - another newish blog but an experienced goldmaker with a fresh view on many things

Xsinthis - The Golden Crusade - Author of the Annual WoW Wealth Survey, Eric has been around a while now & always has a fresh outlook & usually detailed analysis of stuff too.

Richard - Hunter Mastery - Richard's been away a while but he's back now, main focus was hunters & gold, will be interesting to see where he goes next now that he's back :)

Selltacular - Copper to Gold - a brand new blog with Day 1 as his first post! I look forward to reading lots more from him as his Day 1 post has lots of history & I'm nosy to hear more!

Marcus Ty - Gold Blog of Marcus Ty - author of a great Gold Guide (see righthand sidebar for link :P), he has some great articles on his blog. I love his twitter tips too, would definitely recommend a follow there!

Goblin Raset - The Drunken Mogul - a newish member of the gold blogging community, Goblin has just recently joined in with the 20 Days. Makes for interesting reading so far & I look forward to more stories from him :)

Droth - Droth's Treasure Troves of Gold - a brand new blog, kickstarting off with the 20 Days of Gold Making! He's been making gold since Wrath but only just started blogging so pop over & say Hi!

WoWProfitz - WoWProfitz blog - if you don't know my friend, the Clown, he's made a big impact on the blogging, podcasting & Twitter scene since the start of the year. His whole blog is well worth a read & now he's decided to join in here too! Sweet! Go say Hi :)

Wow! what a list hey? Some regular, well known gold blogs in there & it's great to see new gold blogs as well as more general WoW blogs joining in. If you've joined in & I haven't added you to this list, please tweet me (@nevahaddict) or leave a comment here & I'll make sure to add you too.

I do hope you are enjoying reading the answers to my questions - sometimes it's nice to reminisce on old times & just chat about stuff rather than teaching/analysing etc. There are lessons in these stories too which is just an added bonus as far as I can see & finding so many new (to me) blogs is the icing on my cake!


Check out some of my Squidoo lenses!

Image © Husin Sani under Creative Commons licence


  1. Farly - The Overcut -

    Jafo - The Auction House Grind -

    Goblin Goldmine -

    And probably a few others too.

    1. Thanks Jafo! I missed you & Farli as I was travelling all day Friday, will add you both right now :) As for the other site, it's just a scraper site posting my articles (and others) without permission :(

  2. Hey Nev!
    I've really enjoyed reading everyones responses so have decided to participate myself. Just posted Day 1.

  3. Happy New Year Nev!

    Sorry I just now saw this great idea you posted a week ago. It has been a hectic month for me during and after the holiday. I will be sharing my input with all of the questions soon. I look forward to reading and getting to know you better in the WOW blog community :)

    1. Happy New Year to you too :) I shall look forward to reading your posts, just leave a comment when you get started & I'll add you to the list :)

  4. Hey Nev!

    I think this is a fantastic idea! Would love to join in :D! Will get to making my first post


  5. Here's my first post!

  6. Wow this is a long list of participants! I can't wait to read everyone's posts. This has been some interesting reading so far. In fact, I decided to join in on not only this, But the blogging community as well! See my first ever post at. Http://

    1. Oh my gosh! I am so sorry I missed this. I'll adding you to the list right now! So honoured to be your first post ever too! thank you so much & good luck with it :)

    2. It's no problem :) Thank you for adding me to the list! And once again, thank you for giving me what I needed to get started.


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