If you'd like to catch up & read the 20 Days of Gold Making posts, I've put all the links here as well as the original questions & the list of participants. If you'd like to join in, please do. There's no rules as such, just write a post for as many or as few as you'd like and they don't have to be consecutive days or anything like that.
20 Days of Gold making - Community Idea - the original idea, list of questions & instructions
20 Days of Gold making - Participants - full list of known participants, if you're not on the list, let me know!
My Day 1 When did you start?
My Day 2 Did you set a goal?
My Day 3 First tips & tricks
My Day 4 When did you start a banker alt
My Day 5 Do you keep the same banker alt
My Day 6 Best market over the years
My Day 7 Starting over - how?
My Day 8 Did you reach your goal? Set a new one
My Day 9 Favorite niche market
My Day 10 Do you farm materials?
My Day 11 Lesser known gold making addons
My Day 12 Biggest oops!
My Day 13 Biggest yay!
My Day 14 How much playtime devoted to gold making?
My Day 15 Professions
My Day 16 Flipping
My Day 17 Vendor pets & pet battles
My Day 18 Advice for a new gold maker
My Day 19 Reward yourself for reaching goal?
My Day 20 Share the blog love - my 'must read' suggestions
My Day 10 Do you farm materials?
My Day 11 Lesser known gold making addons
My Day 12 Biggest oops!
My Day 13 Biggest yay!
My Day 14 How much playtime devoted to gold making?
My Day 15 Professions
My Day 16 Flipping
My Day 17 Vendor pets & pet battles
My Day 18 Advice for a new gold maker
My Day 19 Reward yourself for reaching goal?
My Day 20 Share the blog love - my 'must read' suggestions
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